Digitizing Pharma manufacturing with Lite Manufacturing Execution System (MES): The Actual ROI of EBR Execution

manufacturing execution system

Lite Manufacturing Execution System (MES) in pharmaceutical manufacturing can significantly enhance efficiency, compliance, and overall operational effectiveness. This approach digitizes processes, streamlines workflows, and provides real-time insights, ultimately leading to a tangible return on investment (ROI).

We’re excited to share a compelling success story highlighting the remarkable return on investment (ROI) achieved through the implementation of Process XE® EBR solution.

Let’s research into the real ROI of Electronic Batch Record (EBR) execution within this framework. Here’s a glimpse of the solid benefits:

Time Efficiency: Speed is the essence of progress. Our solution faster the review and approval procedures, reducing the batch release cycle time by more than 50% compared to old paper batch records.

Error Prevention: Automated calculations and time tracking helped to reduce human mistakes and ensure correctness in all processes.

Remote Access: The ability to view records remotely enabled quick decision-making, even outside of the cell processing room, which aided in managing exceptions promptly.

Data Integrity: The possibility of missing or corrupted records was eliminated. Our technology maintained data integrity, protecting critical information.

Storage Savings: Say goodbye to the space-consuming stacks of sterile paper documents. Process XE® Electronic Batch Records eliminates the requirement for physical storage, substantially reducing expenses associated with it.

Consider being free from page-by-page signatures, saving a staggering hour every batch.

Review time for paper-based records reduced by half, streamlining operations significantly.

External communication became a wind with simplified batch records in PDF format, ensuring ease of interaction with partners and Contract development and manufacturing organizations (CDMOs) customers.

Process XE® improved data integrity by removing the risk of accidental document loss or misplacement.

Modern QA from the heavy task of manual checks, allowing a focus on the core review process.

​Our commitment to your success drives our dedication to delivering solutions that resound with your evolving needs. We invite you to explore the transformative potential of Process XE® Electronic Batch Record in revolutionizing your operations.

Let’s start on a trip together to boost your efficiency while keeping data integrity.