Digital EBR Software

EBR digital solutions

EBR: A Digital Solution to Record-Keeping with ProcessXE®

EBR (Electronic Batch Records) are more cost-effective and capable. Global pharmaceutical companies are confronted with issues related to rising operating costs and stricter regulatory and safety guidelines. Pharma company also deal with a variety of product portfolios, which means that accurate and complete documentation is essential to complying with regulatory regulations and standards. ProcessXE® provides […]
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Transition of Pharmaceutical industry

Transition of Pharmaceutical industry towards electronic processes

This transition journey of Pharmaceutical industry towards electronic processes like- electronic batch recording software (EBR), supply chain management software, quality management software, distribution software and many more, would be incomplete without first mentioning the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). ICH was formed in 1989 to bring uniformity and standardization in the formats called Common Technical […]
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